Issue Position: Advocating for a Better Education System

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

The most important aspect of creating a better, more equal, and more prosperous South Carolina is the state legislature properly investing in our state's education system, particularly rural areas like many towns/cities in District 64. As the chair of the Clarendon School District Two Board, Johnson brings the best perspective in this race on what it takes to create positive education outcomes: properly paid teachers with yearly cost-of-living adjustments and state funds for end-of-year stipends, funds to provide the necessary resources to deliver a good education, smaller class sizes that promotes environments for teachers to teach, more paraprofessionals in our schools to assist to our educators, and less state-mandated testing. Education reform must be the top priority in the next session. As your representative, Johnson will fight to make sure public education is appropriately funded in order to create an even better South Carolina!
